Code Unlimited已经改名并整合进了Jensen Hughes 提供您所期望的同样出色的服务和创造性的应用程序,但现在具有扩展的功能和范围.
“Ever since we established our firm, 彩宝网平台一直专注于卓越的客户服务,” explains Samir Mokashi. “At some point, however, 保持彩宝网平台的高质量标准要求彩宝网平台有能力继续招聘和留住对工作充满热情的经验丰富的专家. 加入延森休斯使彩宝网平台能够与更广泛的全球团队合作, 为员工提供更多的机会,在招聘顶尖人才方面更具竞争力. “这也将使彩宝网平台能够赢得和参与更大的项目,”Asawari Mokashi说. “Jensen Hughes是一家世界级的公司,赢得了一些业内最大的项目, most complex and challenging projects.”
Unlimited Possibilities
For many design industry firms, 代码规则是非黑即白的——但对彩宝网平台来说,有无限的可能性. 彩宝网平台相信通过理解监管意图的基础来发展建筑环境,然后创造新的途径来实现下一个设计水平.
To meet code intent
Our code specialists ensure your project meets code intent while facilitating your design concept, working with you at every project phase and throughout the integrated design processes.
Supporting mass timber development since 2015
Our building code, fire protection and modeling experts are dedicated to supporting wood products and other sustainable building materials and methods on a project-by-project basis; and in wider adoptions into building code standards.
Active and passive fire protection
We provide active and passive smoke and fire protection, including rational analysis and modeling, detection and suppression, and the development of engineering judgments.
Beyond mandated minimums
Accessibility can be difficult to understand and comply with, so we manage the requirements for you, including meeting universal design goals that go beyond the mandated minimums.
Understanding and mitigation skills
Our team of fire, explosion, chemical and laboratory experts understand industrial and high tech processes, hazards and risks, and how to mitigate them.
Same Team Different Name
“彩宝网平台对Samir和Asawari组建的整个团队以及他们为客户提供的服务印象深刻。”, said Raj Arora, CEO of Jensen Hughes. “此外,Code Unlimited Pacific Northwest地区是Jensen Hughes迄今为止代表性不足的地区.“经过一段时间的品牌合作,Code Unlimited团队现在完全融入了Jensen Hughes,为业务增加了重要的价值和能力.
Rory O'Brien
Senior Project Manager, Meta
“你以一种清晰简洁的方式指挥着房间的细节, 这是我职业生涯中从未见过的. 你“简化”你的深度知识和经验的能力, so we can all understand, 是否有助于所有相关人员更容易地做出决策."
Amy D.
Principal, Architect
“你的名字在波拉岛是家喻户晓的, 很大程度上是因为你为每个项目带来的创造力. 而不是以“不可能”的态度对待彩宝网平台的设计方案, 你带着一种“怎么能”的态度去讨论."
Gary Bernardo
Principal, Bernardo|Wills Architects PC
"Thanks for accommodating us; we’ve been very impressed with your level of service and contribution to the project and expect to include you in more of our projects moving forward."
Gerhard B.
Associate, Project Architect
“在解决复杂项目的代码相关问题方面,你有一种独特的方法. 公司将针对每个项目特定的上下文评估代码的意图, not the literal meaning of the law. 这种方法可以并且确实为新的设计解决方案打开了大门."
Joel Booth
Senior Resident Engineer
“感谢您引用不同的代码编号,并按照BPA的要求提供推荐的解决方案. 我无法强调这对彩宝网平台的帮助有多大,因为在项目结束时,时间线变得越来越紧."